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All You Need to Know About Dental Implants for Missing Teeth and Smiles


If you have lost some or all of your teeth, you may feel low on confidence at times. You probably smile and laugh less and even if you do, you cover your mouth. Don't let missing teeth get in the way of a happy and normal life just because you think you have no other option. Denture implants are the answer to all your problems.


What are they?

While a normal denture involves a set of false teeth and messy adhesives that you have to deal with daily, dental implants don't. All you will have is a set of teeth fixed permanently in your mouth.


What is the procedure?

First of all, your jaw will be assessed by a qualified dentist. Once you lose teeth, the jaw bone starts to disintegrate slowly. If you have healthy gums and sufficient bone, you will qualify for the procedure. The procedure involves implanting titanium rods in the bone to which your teeth will be affixed. Titanium is used as it is a very strong metal and non-corrosive. Furthermore, titanium is compatible with bone and oral tissues. Your dentist will allow the rods to set firmly in your jaw. This may take time depending on the health of your gums and amount of bone. Your titanium rods will then be fitted with the teeth.


What are the advantages?

Dental implants are very strong. With normal dentures, you may be restricted to the type of food that you can consume. Dental implants feel and function just like your natural teeth, thereby allowing you to nibble at corn right off the cob or take a huge bite from your favourite fruit- apple! You won't have to remove your false teeth every night and clean them! You can brush and floss as you did with your real set.


Though they may be costly as compared to normal dentures, on the whole, dental implants will prove to be cost effective in the long run.

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